Monday, February 11, 2008

Architectural Competition to be held for Gowanus Canal

An architectural competition has been announced for residential development on the Gowanus Canal water front between 3rd Ave. and Bond St. centered on Carrol Street in Brooklyn. Small scale building parcels will be designed by fifty architectural firms from around the world. Each chosen firm will be given a small lot along the canal and allowed to do as they wish within a specified envelope while meeting specific balcony and facade requirements. In support of the competition, the canal will be lined with landscape barges. Riffing on Robert Smithson barge project from 2005, these barges will act as a terminus for the streets that dead end into the canal. They will be movable and have the ability to act as pedestrian bridges across the canal. The competition is paired with larger scale developments planned for the neighborhood that occupy the mid-blocks and street fronts away from the canal along Carrol St. These projects are speculative and not part of the canal competition. As part of the revitalization of the canal and Gowanus, an outdoor food market is also planned to inhabit one of the existing industrial buildings near the canal on Bond St.


Anonymous said...

Is this a joke?

Haveyou seen the sewages spilling form that hole at the carroll street bridge lately?

Anonymous said...

Isn't that around where the Toll Brothers were supposed to develop? And what about Gowanus Village? Sounds like this is much more about developing the land bordering the canal... interesting idea in theory, but I'm doubtful about it actually getting built.